Ibanez DE7 delay/echo

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Ibanez DE7 delay/echo

Is the Ibanez DE7 possible on vero? Or has it been requested yet?  The schematic seems kinda big, but I'm not sure what's too big.  This isn't the most special delay but it's my favorite.  The echo setting sounds awesome and I love the switchable "echo" and "delay" settings.

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Re: Ibanez DE7 delay/echo

Anyone else interested in this?  Is it even doable?
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Re: Ibanez DE7 delay/echo

Not do-able on vero in a reasonable size IMO and it has a microprocessor so the circuit would be useless without the program anyway.  I also think the 40 pin microprocessor is almost certainly surface mount size which automatically precludes vero.  Sorry
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Re: Ibanez DE7 delay/echo

I thought it was a long shot.  Thanks anyway!