Ibanez EM5 Echo Machine

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Ibanez EM5 Echo Machine

Ive seen a few schematics for this around but haven't been able to track down a vero.

this thing seems pretty badass and i have the delay chip sitting around doing nothing.
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Re: Ibanez EM5 Echo Machine

i think it might end up being too big and difficult to do on vero. i'm not going to give it a try, but someone who has more experience with something like this might.

i found a layout that is supposed to be verified. next time you have a request can you post the schematic, especially if you know one exists, it could and would help speed up the possibility of getting a working layout.

EDIT: i noticed that it looks small in the image, so here's a link to the schematic.
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Re: Ibanez EM5 Echo Machine

i also think this might classify as one where you'd be spending more to build it than picking up one new.. one sold on reverb recently for 30 bucks
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Re: Ibanez EM5 Echo Machine

In reply to this post by rocket88
These pedals seem to be pretty rare now. DIYsb user gcwills made a simplified version that omits the soft-switching and variable oscillator, instead using a fixed LC resonant circuit to set the clock and a rotary switch to choose delay time.  His schematic is at https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=118923.20 . I made a vero layout, which I put in the Unverified Layouts section at http://guitar-fx-layouts.42897.x6.nabble.com/Ibanez-EM5-Echo-Machine-simplified-tp42815.html. I don't have the chip, but if anyone wants to go over the vero or build it that would be great.
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Re: Ibanez EM5 Echo Machine

Send a modded schematic to PMowdes. He's working up a board for this. No encoder shenanigans either, it'll be as per the original, but Mill 2 bypass instead of the flip flop bullshit.