Ibanez ad80 analog delay

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Ibanez ad80 analog delay

Hi ! Does anyone have this in vero?
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Re: Ibanez ad80 analog delay

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Re: Ibanez ad80 analog delay

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Thanasis2561
My guess is that this is way too big for vero, unless you are the world champion in vero layouts and have insane amount of spare time for debugging.
This one would also end up being HUGE! Forget about BB-size, you will probably need an enclosure that's at least twice that size, or even more...
I would be surprised if anyone volunteer to make a layout out of this.

I would rather try to find used one on ebay then attempting to build it.
Some circuits are just not suitable for vero.
I'm not saying it can't be done, just that I doubt anyone is up for the task...