Idiot question about removing tone pot.

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Idiot question about removing tone pot.

I've built a circuit (the Mid-fi electronics Peace Gun), and l like it. However I don't like the tone control, and would like to remove it. To my ears it only sounds good with the tone pot turned all the way up.

If I want to omit tone control from this or ANY other build, do I:

a). Simply unsolder the pot wires from the board, leaving nothing connected to the tone pot board connection points.

b). Solder a jumper wire between the tone pot board connection points.

c). Solder a reisistor of the same value as the pot (e.g. 10k resistor for 10k pot)  between the tone pot board connection points.

Sorry for this show of ignorance, but I can't find an answer to this on t'internet.
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Re: Idiot question about removing tone pot.

The tone pot in the peace gun is similar to a guitar tone pot. It's a resistor in series with a cap to ground in a sidechain configuration. Basically, when the pot is turned up, the resistor dominates and all frequencies have a high-ish impedance to ground and are bled off equally. When the pot is turned down, the capacitor dominates and the high frequencies have a lower impedance to ground than the low frequencies. So to make it permanently all the way up, option c is correct: replace the pot with a resistor of the same value. If you want even more treble, use option a, just remove it entirely.

This solution is not universal. There are many ways to wire a tone pot, and the right way to replace them with resistors depends on how it's configured, so you'll have to look at the schematic. If the pot is wired as a variable resistor: dial in your favorite value, measure the resistance and replace with that value. If it's wired as a voltage divider it will have 3 connections instead of 2. So dial in your favorite value, measure the resistance, and replace with two resistors in series such that R1 + R2 = pot value, and R1/(R1+R2) equals your favorite setting. If your favorite setting is max or min, you can get away with one resistor.

I've left out some detail here, but there are a few other threads about this, so try searching 'replacing pots' or something similar.
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Re: Idiot question about removing tone pot.

Thanks very much Induction, that's a massive help, as it pulls together what I suspected was the case into one answer.

I tried all three options just after posting, so knew what worked best in this case, but had already figured out that it would not be so simple if the pot worked as a voltage divider or as a variable resistor.