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Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

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Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

76 posts

So, does anybody have an opinion on this issue?

I'm leaning towards outys at this time. I find I can tighten them down better. The thing is. they need another nut to adjust how far they stick out...and some companies charge an additional 20 cents for said nut.

Oh, and thanks to Mammoth for the pix.  
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

130 posts
Everytime I re-box a build (enclosure recycling - or when I finally know how to paint an already boxed one) I swear to myself for choosing the inner ones...
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

183 posts
In reply to this post by Highsmith
I've had the power supply jack  get loose a few times with the 1st  " outy" one.  No problems with the innie
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

313 posts
Innies (lol) all the way, except if there is not enough space. The only downside is that if for whatever reason you want to unbox a circuit, it is the only component that requires de-soldering.
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

80 posts
I always use the second ones, as it looks a lot cleaner in my opinion.
But recently I started using these ones:

I like 'em a lot! They are small and look pretty damn good. There is no third lug for a battery, but I don't mind, as my latest builds don't need/take a battery.
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

1993 posts
In reply to this post by Highsmith
Anything as long as it isn't from Mammoth :)

I usually use the "inny" but have used the "outy" when space was an issue. The ones that BassVD posted have not been durable in my experience. Not a fan of those.
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

80 posts
What do you mean? What kind of issues did you have?
I have only used them in a couple of my latest builds, so in terms of durability, I have yet to see what happens in the long run.
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

1993 posts
I've probably had 4 or 5 of them fall apart after some normal use.

The little chrome ring that you see on the outside is what contacts the barrel of the DC plug (the part that carries +9V). You may notice that this fits the plug pretty tightly which is necessary for a good mechanical connection. The plastic that holds it all together isn't strong enough to hold up to the stress of normal use with that tight fitting ring.

At least it has been my experience that the chrome barrel sleeve thingy will eventually pull out. Maybe I got a bad batch, but I'm not planning on trying them again.
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

Silver Blues
1220 posts
I normally use the outies but am currently working on a pedal that is using an inny for no particular reason. Don't really see the difference functionally, although the innies look a bit sleeker.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

76 posts
In reply to this post by Highsmith
I got these small outys on Ebay for cheap. They look super cool, but they aren't so durable...

Scuzz protector!
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

1239 posts
I have some of both in my stash, but normally use the "outy" type.
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

3037 posts
i use innies, nuts on the inside. to me they're much cleaner looking. i use the smaller ones that were posted on my 1590a builds, as they take up much less room, and i'm not using a battery anyways, with no reliability problems. i've been thinking of using them for tighter builds too, but i still prefer the jack to be as flush to the enclosure as possible so i just use the innies and make it work.
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Re: Inny or Outy DC Jacks?

1040 posts
In reply to this post by Highsmith
If you are new to boxing use the outies, - much easier to take apart and they take up less space.

The main thing is to make sure you keep track of the NUT that holds it on, because they look like they are the same spec as the 3PDT footswitch nuts, but I suspect they are not, - because every time I try to put a "random" nut on one of those DC jacks it strips the plastic threads. But the original nut will always screw right on.