Insert Loop

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Re: Insert Loop

pyreweb wrote
I am hoping to do exactly the same but with a clone of a DBA Echo Dream 2. Am I correct in thinking that on the schematic below I would have the loop send and return to the left of the feedback pot, after the 1u capacitor but before the split sending the signal into the feedback loop and to the output mixer?
That depends what you mean by 'exactly the same thing'. We have discussed a few possibilities regarding whether all repeats get processed by the insert loop exactly once or an additional time for each repeat.

From what I can tell, your scheme will send each repeat through the insert loop every time. So in the case of a pitch shifter, each repeat will be an octave higher (or lower) than the previous repeat.
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Re: Insert Loop

In reply to this post by induction
I used two position spdt switches.  Sorry about that.  I tried to wire it up so I could have different options for where the loop would be in the circuit with the flip of a switch.  I should have said bypass the loop instead of the switches were off.  You understood correctly what I was trying to say.  I have been trying it with an electro harmonix hog plugged into the loop.  As for the jacks I have been using stereo jacks with three terminals and grounding the center lug (sleeve).

I am going to try this with just one loop for now.  Can I still use a spdt switch to bypass the loop?  I'll take the the wire that is supposed to be connected to lug 2 of the feedback pot and instead connect it to the center terminal of the on-on spdt switch.  I'll connect one side of the spdt back to lug 2 of the feedback pot which should bypass the loop.  I'll connect the other side of the spdt switch to the tip of a stereo jack which will be the input for whatever effect I decide to put in the loop.  I'll then wire the tip of another stereo jack to lug 2 of the feedback pot.  I'll connect the output of whatever effect I'm using into this jack.  Both sleeves of these jacks will be grounded since I am using an aluminum enclosure.  Can you think of any problems with using this method?
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Re: Insert Loop

It seems like that should work fine.
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Re: Insert Loop

Cool.  I'll give it a try soon.  Can you think of a way that it would be possible to have the loop inserted in different places with a switch?  For example, with one setting the loop would be inserted by the feedback pot (repeats would become more affected with each repeat), and in another setting the loop would be inserted in the mix pot (repeats would only be affected once) If I understood correctly, the method I tried won't work because the jack that I used for my insert loop return was connected to both the feedback pot and the mix pot (defeating the purpose all together)

I still appreciate all the help!
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Re: Insert Loop

This should work for switching the location of the insert loop with a two-position 4PDT toggle. I used Mix 3 and Feedback 2 for reference, but you could use other points as well.

If you use shorting jacks (the third lug connects to the tip connector only when no plug is inserted) for the insert send and return then unplugging the insert effect from both send and return deactivates the insert loop. If you use regular jacks, you'll have to omit the purple wire and connect send and return with a patch cable whenever you don't use an insert effect.

This is what a shorting jack looks like, in case you are unfamiliar.

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Re: Insert Loop

I used a different method for switching the loops.  I have to flip a few switches as opposed to just one but it is working nonetheless..  I'm planning on building another delay using your switching method in the future.  Thanks again for helping me make this happen!