So I've built three muffs in the last few months and was wondering in anyone had any suggestions for what to try out in a Pink Flesh? From what I understand proper 2N5133s are really tough to come by. Right now I have a set of 2N5088s in it all around 500 hFe. I was looking up what transistors were in vintage Muffs and BC239C came up a few times. I was wondering if anyone had used those before. I also have an Iron Bell with 5088s and a Mayonaise Mk. III with SE4021s (sounds amazing). I keep the Floyd fuzz on one board so I was hoping to keep the PF a little hotter than the Bell to compliment each other. The SE4021s were great in it and I may even do that but I was hoping to get a few opinions. Thanks.
I quite like BC550C's in a muff or if you want something more exotic without paying 2N5133 prices, see if you can get any 2N5828. They are fantastic in this circuit.
BC549C, BC550C, BC239C, KT3102em, ME4003. there's a guy that sells sets of 2N5828 for big muff builds on ebay for $20 a set, and they are great, but at $5 a transistor i don't think i would do it again.
Thanks for the suggestions. I saw the 5828s on eBay. A little too steep for me, I had a hard time getting myself to pay the $2.25 per transistor for the SE4021s but it was worth it. I'll check out the BC239s and 550C. I have the 550B from Tayda. Meh. I also didn't realize the BC109 came in different ranges, I need to drop some 109C in my Black Forest.
Yes they're expensive comparatively, but looking at the bigger picture you'd still build a $500+ pedal for $30, and if you socket them you can always use them in another circuit somewhere down the line if you fancy a change
Yeah, definitely a good point about the sockets and the price comparison in general. I ordered a some BC550C for the time being. Small Bear says gain about 800 or so. The SE4021s I have are between 775 and 850 and are phenomenal in the Mayonaise. I still find it crazy how a circuit can sound so different with just a few component swaps.
First off the BC550C are awesome in the Pink Flesh. More gain and sustain than the 2N5088 and not as rough sounding.
Second, I wish I knew that there were variations on the same type of transistors when I first started because the BC109C turned the Black Forest into a beast. Thanks.