Interesting access to Love Pedal Eternity

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Interesting access to Love Pedal Eternity

The Love Pedal Eternity is a Sean Michaels pedal. I communicated with Sean about the pedal for a client who wanted a mod. The PCB had been gooped and it was rock hard, but he told me I might be able to remove it with a hair dryer.

I had never done this, so I tried a heat gun. Now, those things get a LOT hotter than hair dryers, and when I took the goop off it took off some components. What I did not know is that SMD components are glued on and then put in an oven to melt the solder (according to Sean).

I sent a pic of the degooped PCB to Sean, and he confirmed it was "toast" but he was nice enough to send me a NEW PCB with the mods I needed at no cost (which saved me from having to replace my customer's Love Pedal).

Here is the thing, tho, this new pedal I just received has no goop, so I can see the entire circuit, along with some of his recommended mods. I want to share these with the community, but I want a consensus on whether that would be betraying a trust.

This is an OLD pedal, and I don't know anything about Sean except that I heard he sold the company anyway, (but I don't have that confirmed). Bottom line, I don't want to give away any proprietary knowledge he may have shared with me but that he would not make public, but if he has nothing to worry about in that sense (if he no longer owns Love Pedal, or if this is already out there) then I don't think he would mind because it wouldn't do his business any harm.

I could send pics by email to people who could probably see the circuit and the mods.
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RE: Interesting access to Love Pedal Eternity

Hey Paul and everyone else here

I would try just asking Sean if what you want to do is Ok. I would think that if Sean gives the Ok, you would be covered plus it shows good will too.

Just my opinion.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Interesting access to Love Pedal Eternity

In reply to this post by motterpaul
Well seeing as there are two versions of the Eternity already up on the main page, and the fact that it is nothing more than a bufferless Tubescreamer / Boss SD-1, I honestly don't think it is even worth your effort.

But yeah, I would ask if I was in your shoes.
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Re: Interesting access to Love Pedal Eternity

well, he added an LED tied to pins 6 & 7 of the opamp, and he added a cap (probably an LPF because we wanted more bass). There is also a new three-way toggle switch.

I don't know what they do yet because I have not reassembled it.