Internal Daisychaining Buffers

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Internal Daisychaining Buffers

I'm building a looping pedal.

I'll have 15 loops each with a Cornish buffer after the loop (the buffer is in the loop after the pedal(s) in that loop). The input will also have a Cornish buffer and all buffers will be switchable with toggle switches.

Will daisychaining power to the buffers cause me any problems?

Any input as far as the design of the signal chain for the project would also be appreciated.


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Re: Internal Daisychaining Buffers

It shouldn't cause a problem, each buffer has its own supply input resistor and filter cap, but why are you using that many buffers?  If all the loops are bypassed then everything following the first buffer is low impedance anyway, and when an effect is switched on it may well have it's own input and output buffer.

The most I would do is one at the beginning and one at the end of the looper, and I'd still have them switchable so you don't have to have a buffer if you don't like the way it affects the chain with certain pedals.