Interstellar overdriver deluxe..?

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Interstellar overdriver deluxe..?

I know the normal one is here but there is a schematic for the deluxe but thoughts..?

Interstellar deluxe
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Re: Interstellar overdriver deluxe..?

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Hey guys, and a happy new year everyone!
I started an attempt for this one - but since rotary switches confuse me like hell I'm not sure if I got it right.
So this is how I understand the switch labelling:

And here's the vero:

So the two stages are quite repetitive - upper part is stage 1, lower part stage 2 with the additions. I added the polarity protection/PSU filter (#3 from this thread.
I guess the two should be wired as dual effect?
Please understand this as a first attempt that probably contains errors - I'll go on playing around with it, and suggestions are welcome! If anyone wants to work based on this I'm happy to share the DIYLC file, too.

EDIT: the lug numbering of the pots in the schematic confuse me - can this be correct?