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Inverter Making Other Pedals Whine?

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Inverter Making Other Pedals Whine?

432 posts
I built a Mk.1.5 Tonebender with an inverter using a TC7660S chip and it works great, no noise or anything weird with the pedal itself. However, in the same signal path as my Monolith Oracle, the Oracle whines a little bit. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact the Oracle is a PNP circuit using a negative ground or possibly the something with the chip? Any idea why and is there anything I could do to remedy the problem without ditching the inverter? Thanks.
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Re: Inverter Making Other Pedals Whine?

Neil mcNasty
415 posts
Try adding a 100nf cap from the power output to ground (parallel with the filter cap) on the voltage inverter.
Sometimes a small cap in parallel with the regular 100uf filter cap helps remove high pitched whine.
I've bought a whole bunch of 100nf ceramic caps for this purpose and I always add one in addition to the regular 100uf filter cap.
Since I started doing that, I have not come across this issue anymore...
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Re: Inverter Making Other Pedals Whine?

432 posts
Thanks Neil, I'll try that out.
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Re: Inverter Making Other Pedals Whine?

432 posts
In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
Thanks again Neil, it worked pretty well as long as the Oracle's pots aren't all the way up. I usually don't have it like that anyway so it works for me. I appreciate the help.
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Re: Inverter Making Other Pedals Whine?

Neil mcNasty
415 posts
Great to hear that it helped!