Is it just me or...

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Is it just me or...

Have the layouts from 2014 thus far been ridiculously awesome?

I had around 10 on my build list as we moved into 2014.  Now it's at 25.  Need to stop building fearful cabs and amps so I can crank out some of these pedals methinks.

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Re: Is it just me or...

Miro and John have added some crackers, and I've tried to add a few more bigger circuits, but have made a few silly mistakes just recently and so could probably do with a break for a bit so I can recharge the battery.

Or maybe just stop doing them at night with a can of beer in my hand
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Re: Is it just me or...

Yeah, the beer thing has been killing me on recent builds.  Wired up 1&2 instead of 2&3 off of a pot, input to the wrong row... ugh!  Does not help that I have four taps ready to serve on my kegerator.  :P

Thanks for all the great layouts lately.  Little mistakes get worked out with minimal effort.  Building up Fulldrive layouts and the likes requires far more expertise, experience, and effort.  Not many can give us 1590B layouts (or 1590A in Javi's case) on a near daily basis!
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Re: Is it just me or...

Building these things at 3am on weekdays is killing mine.  Dozing off with a hot soldering iron only has to happen once for me.