Is there a tube screamer w/TMB stack?

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Is there a tube screamer w/TMB stack?

Wampler just released his Clarksdale Delta OD, and clearly states it's a Tube Screamer with a TMB stack.

Until that one is traced, anyone know of another YATS with a TMB, OT at least a Mids control.

Also, he has done something to reduce the fizz....whats the normal mod for that?

PGS demo>

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Re: Is there a tube screamer w/TMB stack?

Edit: of course I meant to say "or at least a mids control".....dang iPad autocorrect
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Re: Is there a tube screamer w/TMB stack?

I've done something sort of similar.  It was an OD820 with a muff tone stack and a Mids pot, and with a separate clean and gain control instead of the dual pot used in the original OD820
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Re: Is there a tube screamer w/TMB stack?

For a tube screamer with mids control, there's the Ibanez Jet Driver:

There's also the Nobels ODR-S in the Layouts section of the Forum, which has TMB tone shaping.

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Re: Is there a tube screamer w/TMB stack?

Thanks guys, appreciate the responses....I'll check those out and see if any of those will fit the bill.