JFet matcher, for Vgs On/Off and Idss

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JFet matcher, for Vgs On/Off and Idss

Just looks like a great DIY project for when you need the specifics
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Re: JFet matcher, for Vgs On/Off and Idss

Nobody? ..  I guess I can take a wack at it myself
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Re: JFet matcher, for Vgs On/Off and Idss

wish I could help you. Not good at making layouts.
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Re: JFet matcher, for Vgs On/Off and Idss

Silver Blues
The JFET matcher is an ancient and established piece of tech around here lol, this site has a layout for one here. The one you linked is slightly different, but I (and many others) can vouch for the one I linked. I built this matcher and a germanium transistor tester into one of those handheld enclosures with a self-contained voltmeter and it's one of my most useful tools.
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Re: JFet matcher, for Vgs On/Off and Idss

I am with Silver Blues in that the updated Runoffgroove JFET Matcher is a simpler, well-tested, and reliable circuit. Most JFET spec ranges you'll find in forum posts or build docs are measured using this circuit.
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Re: JFet matcher, for Vgs On/Off and Idss

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
Yeah I've been using the greatly improved one for stuff where you don't need all 3 readings, and more of just a match. I have a build that needs pretty specific device ranges and the schematic I linked was specified as the best way to get the right range jfets