JHS Moonshine

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JHS Moonshine

jhspedals.com has a decent gutshot. I could not find a schematic. Beastly pedal; thick and tube screamer like. Thanks guys. AMAZING SITE SUUUUUPER HELPFUL.
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Re: JHS Moonshine

Silver Blues
Ahh yes. Was just waiting for a schem or something to request this one. PGS demo makes it sound absolutely awesome.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: JHS Moonshine

the moonshine replaced the Low Drive (bass overdrive). I believe that it's just a lower voiced tubescreamer.
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Re: JHS Moonshine

In reply to this post by NoHow1369
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Re: JHS Moonshine

yep. that thread pretty much sums up the JHS story.
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Re: JHS Moonshine

Silver Blues
LOL, well yeah. I'm not a huge fan of JHS either but sometimes some mods are nice.

But if this sounds anything like a/my Hematoma on bass then never mind.  
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: JHS Moonshine

i just read the whole thread on the TDPRI about this and all the JHS bashing that went on and it really made me think about the entire boutique pedal community. how many companies really have their own original designs? how many companies have a BMP variant, or a FF variant, rangemaster, TS, etc that they tweak and sell as their own or openly admit that it's based on something? look at Wren and Cuff, Mojohand, WayHuge, AnalogMan, MXR, etc.

call me crazy, but it just the nature of the pedal building industry that there are circuits that work really well but may not sound exactly as you think it should and want to tweak it. that's one of the reasons i got into pedal building, and i know there are a lot of us here that are the same. i just think that people need to stop bashing one company or another for this. because if people will hate one company because "_______" pedal is based on the big muff, but will turn around and love D*A*M's "_______" because its the best BMP variant they've heard. if you don't like a company because you think their stuff sounds bad that's one thing, not because they're pedals are based on something else. The same thing can be said about guitars or basses with the name on the headstock.

sorry for the rant, just something that seems so hypocritical and all about the name on the pedal rather then the actual sound of the pedal. don't mean to start anything, but just seems to be a recurring theme that just seems sad to me, and JHS is definitely at the top of the hate list. lol
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Re: JHS Moonshine

I agree that there is seldom an original circuit these days but the thing that sticks in my throat about JHS is that Sean is a lying c*nt, basically. It's fair enough to take a circuit,tweak it etc and sell it but to 100% clone it then claim to have spent two years research and development on it is shady (Astromess/Hyperion)

Devi also said that he emailed her dealers warning them that she will be claiming the he is ripping her off.. Now that is a low down shitty thing to do. Especially considering the Astromess was identical to the Hyperion...
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Re: JHS Moonshine

Totally agree with you then Vince. That is beyond bullshit, and did not know he does that. If you're doing a 1:1 clone then be honest about it. Doing what he does just unethical. Any I sell I say it's based on "____" and modified do to some changes I made, or is an exact clone, it's only right to be upfront and honest.

But you know Devi isn't the most ethical person either when it comes to how she handled business and peoples money from investments. But that's another story.
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Re: JHS Moonshine

In reply to this post by Vince
Vince wrote
the thing that sticks in my throat about JHS is that Sean is a lying c*nt
JHS is Josh isn't it?  Are you thinking about another lying c*nt?  
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Re: JHS Moonshine

JHS is Josh not Sean although he may have some Seans working for him.  :)

This JHS hate has been beaten into the ground on every forum on the planet.  I totally agree that he's a c-word but he's got the lord on his side!  How can you argue with that???
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Re: JHS Moonshine

In reply to this post by IvIark
Haha.. Mark, I always get those two mixed up!!
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Re: JHS Moonshine

In reply to this post by negativefx
negativefx wrote
This JHS hate has been beaten into the ground on every forum on the planet.
Yes and I must admit I wonder why he seems to get more criticism.  I didn't know about that with Devi and that is definitely a shitty trick if true, but as far as copying circuits is concerned, there are plenty out there who grind my gears more.

I just think a few builders need to learn a little modesty and not try to make every pedal they sell sound like the biggest technological breakthrough since splitting the atom.  It never is.  Look at Skreddy, zero (or virtually zero) criticism, because he's honest about what his products are.  

Plus anyone who really does need "two years R&D" to build a dirt pedal must be an utter idiot.
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Re: JHS Moonshine

IvIark wrote
Plus anyone who really does need "two years R&D" to build a dirt pedal must
be an utter idiot.
Quoted from:

I think Bill Finnegan would disagree. Didn't he have something like 20-25 years of development to make the klon?

But in all seriousness with the whole cloning issue, I get more pissed about the builders that not only act like they did something no one has done before, then cover it in "GOOP" so you can't find out. Then once its all pulled off you find out that its just a copy, then sue people when they sell something similar. Those builders annoy me more then JHS, and i think we all know some of who I'm talking about *cough* fools-tone *cough*....

sorry that just slipped out
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Re: JHS Moonshine

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
I like the sound of this pedal....(JHS Moonshine)
And I am not much for tubescreamers...

I realise there is a lot of politics in this thread,
which I am not enough in the know, to know about.

So if you could simplify (without veering off into venom for Sean or whatever his name was)

Simply Put:
Can anyone point me in the right direction for the best similar pedal.

In my ignorance - Thanks,

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Re: JHS Moonshine

There are a lot of tube screamer clones out there like this one, so many to choose from. Any TS modded for more low end should be in the same ballpark. One that is really popular on this site that some of our most senior builders rave about is the Maxon OD-820
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Re: JHS Moonshine

A big  to the Maxon OD-820!

IMO, the Johnk Clean & Gain mods, a 20k W Tone pot, 4580s and 2SK246 transistor = Killer
1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst