JHS Mute Switch Insides

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JHS Mute Switch Insides

hello everybody,
does anyone own a jhs mute switch or has anyone ever opened one?
i built a little mute switch a while ago and it works as far i can tell. just a switch which opens or closes the signalpath and an led indicator.
i now wanna go a little further to kill three signals at one time. has anyone ever done something like that?
also i noticed that somehow a tiny bit of signal goes through...however this happens.
so yeah, i‘m curious what the insides of a industrial manufactured mute switch are or if you guys can help me with some information.
thanks and cheers,
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Re: JHS Mute Switch Insides

if the switch grounds your output signal it shouldnt have anything passing throught.
atop that by adding a larger switch with more poles you should be able to control more than 1 signal at a time. since you want 3 signals, im guessing you need a 3PDT. each pole for each signal. please correct me if im wrong.
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Re: JHS Mute Switch Insides

thanks for the reply.
conquered the quest already. just as you say, but with a 4pdt. so can also have an led showing on/off.
still thanks and a good one,

Am 22.11.2018 um 15:04 schrieb baouftou [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]>:

if the switch grounds your output signal it shouldnt have anything passing throught.
atop that by adding a larger switch with more poles you should be able to control more than 1 signal at a time. since you want 3 signals, im guessing you need a 3PDT. each pole for each signal. please correct me if im wrong.

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