JHS Superbolt

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JHS Superbolt

I've heard JHS's Superbolt is based off of a Honeybee/SHOD, ROG Supreaux Deux, or a "Lumpy" Jelly Roll" pedal--But of course JHS says it's proprietary. Anybody know if it's one of the aforementioned pedals? And if not, has anybody found a schematic/layout?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUn4QIXrAOY
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Re: JHS Superbolt

JHS pedals are basically clones of other designs. the superbolt is a runoffgroove supro deux only with an internal charge pump for 18V operation.

so.... just build this : http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2012/02/rog-supreaux-deux.html

and the circuit at the top of this page: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2010/03/and-few-more.html#comment-form

 and you'll have a JHS superbolt.
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Re: JHS Superbolt

Hmm, just a question not actually related with the requested pedal itself but the charge pump. I've never used a charge pump myself in any builds, but is it possible to put the charge pump behind a switch?
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Re: JHS Superbolt

yep. it's simple and only takes a SPDT toggle.
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Re: JHS Superbolt

Wow, cool. haven't heard a a/b comparison with a stompbox with and without the chargepump so dunno if there's a difference big enough to make the switch worth the trouble, but then again is it a trouble too big, don't think so.

Thanks John!