JHS morning glory - mini switch SPDT doesn't work

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JHS morning glory - mini switch SPDT doesn't work


I made my second pedal from this page JHS morning glory klon.
Everything is working well, only I have problem with mini switch SPDT.
When it is in one position, the pedal is working.
When I swith it to the other position, then everything is mute and it doesn't work.
I don't know why it can be.
I connect SW1 to the side pin, SW2 to the opposite side pin and ground to the middle pin.
It is the first time when I am using this spdt switch so maybe the wiring of the swith is wrong.
I would like to ask you if you could help me with this. Should I connect this swith other way?

Thank you in advance for you help.
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Re: JHS morning glory - mini switch SPDT doesn't work

Hey Daniel, and welcome!
Looking at the schematic the switch just adds/removes a cap from the circuit, it's just a make/brake thing.
As I understand it (not being a pro...), the way you have wired the switch the signal bypasses the 470p cap in one position (then the pedal is working) but sends it to ground in the other - so it goes silent.

You need a SPST for this purpose, not a SPDT (although you can use one as well):

Wire SW1 and SW2 to the two lugs of a SPST - or lugs 1 and 2 of a SPDT:

That should fix it imho
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Re: JHS morning glory - mini switch SPDT doesn't work

Hi muq,
Thank you for your quick reply.
It helped me. Now it is working perfectly!!

Thank you.