JHS pulp n peel- is a schematic available?

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JHS pulp n peel- is a schematic available?

I know there are a ton of compressors out there. But I played one recently. And I gotta say it’s got something special to it to my ears (at the time and place and room acoustics at least haha)

I’ve looked for a schematic but couldn’t find one.  Sorry I don’t soend too much time at freestompboxes.  But if there isn’t one I’d be willing to do one.  I feel like it’s kept under wraps for some reason though.  Like all of his pedals SHOULD be cloned and distributed in my opinion.  He’s made (millions) on doing just that.  

Should I buy one off craigslist and trace it?
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Re: JHS pulp n peel- is a schematic available?

if i'm not mistaken it is a dan armstrong orange squeezer with a clean blend control.