JHS soul food mod

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JHS soul food mod

Does anyone here know how to do the meat/bass mod on this pedal?

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Re: JHS soul food mod

One part of it is replacing the silicon diodes by germanium diodes (as used in the Klon) I would use a matched pair of Russian D9E or another D9 series but about any germanium diode would do.
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Re: JHS soul food mod

In reply to this post by fenderguy79
I'm willing to bet the Meat mod is just a large cap (maybe 200n-680n) in series with a 50k pot acting as a variable resistor, placed in parallel with the 82n "bass cap" hanging off the overdrive opamp's inverting input. This will barely change the stock bass response when the pot is at 50k, but will add low end meat as the resistance is reduced.
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Re: JHS soul food mod

In reply to this post by fenderguy79
Thanks!  I'll try that.