Janglebox Issue

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Janglebox Issue

Hey everyone

I've attempted to build this janglebox:  http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2014/06/janglebox.html  twice and have had the same issue both times.  Instead of getting the desired compressor effect, I am getting an overdrive/distortion sound.  Instead of using a trimmer, I used two 470R resistors which I thought would be similar to a 1k trimmer set at the center.  I used a CA3080 for the IC (two separate ones for each build which were substituted for each other)  

If anyone knows where to find the schematic for this layout, I think that would help me out a lot.  

Here are the voltages I am getting

P1  0.06
P2  3.06
P3  3.08
P4  0
P5  0.08
P6  7.56
P7  9.67
P8  8.94

Q1  E 2.46
      B 2.82
      C 9.67

Q2  E 6.85
      B 7.56
      C 6.85

Q3  E 0
      B 0
      C 8.65

Q4  E 0
      B 0
      C 8.64

Q5  E 8.89
      B 8.61
      C 9.67

Here are some pictures:

I followed this thread  http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/p/forum.html  and the issue was with the CA3080.  Does anyone think that the chips would be causing my issues?  Or would my transistors be causing the distortion?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Janglebox Issue

Here's a thread from FSB with voltages:


Your voltages appear to be off from the ones posted.  The schematic is there too.  Hope it helps.
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Re: Janglebox Issue

I think I'm having issues with my chip.  My signal is fine at pins 2 and 3, but at pin 6 (output) I'm getting the distorted signal.  I looked at the thread you posted and my voltage at that pin looks way too high.  Could this be throwing off the voltages for my transistors?