Java Boost Questions

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Java Boost Questions

I built a java boost for a for a friend of mine, and it's working and sounds ok, but I have some questions.  First I used one of the trimmers to set the collector to 7.2, but I'm not sure what the other one is supposed to set.  Also the build is kind of noisy.  Just kind of a constant white noise when the pedal is activated, especially when the level is set higher.  Is this normal, or does it indicate a problem with the build?  Thanks.
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Re: Java Boost Questions

have you boxed it yet? are you using a wall wart? if so i added a diode and 220uf across the jack. Did you use metal film resistors? i  used metalized capacitors as well .i used shielded wire for inputs and outputs it helped. make sure power wires are seperated from other wires? you can twist pot wires to shield them as well. i built a red rooster and built my next one like this. it killed half of the noise. the. first one i used carbon comp film resistors no shielding no twisted wires and it did improve on the second. good luck dont stress and have fun