Joyo Analog Chorus Modding

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Joyo Analog Chorus Modding

Hey guys.

I just got a hold of a Joyo Analog Chorus. I got it for £15 and figured it was worth it just to tinker with.

I'm unsure of what it is a clone of. I thought maybe a CE-2 or something. The only thing anyone seems to say is that it's a clone of a "1980's Boss Chorus".

I was wondering if any of you guys knew what it was and if there are any mods in particular that might correspond? I will provide some gutshots when I get a chance if needed.

Perhaps then I could make it the same spec as the original pedal it is cloning or mod it to make it more like one of the "boutique" pedals out there that are based on this kind of circuit. Maybe like an Analogman or something.