Keeley 4-knob Compressor Help

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Keeley 4-knob Compressor Help

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Hello, I just built a keeley 4-knob compressor and I cannot figure out why this damn thing isn't working. I'd appreciate any help anyone may be able to give!

When I built the pedal, I originally overlooked the 1uf capacitor in the middle of the circuit board and obviously it didn't work. I then soldered it in, and it still didn't work. (It's making a super loud high pitched noise) Which leads me to believe something got damaged in the process. I'm not sure what it could be (I ordered a new IC already to check that once it arrives)

Here are the voltages I'm getting: (they're a bit crazy)

1: 0.53     8: 0.53
2: 0.99     7: 9.31
3: 0.97     6: 1.34
4: 0          5: 0.93

E: 1.67
B: 1.30
C: 7.56

E: 0.83
B: 1.34
C: 8.21

E: 0
B: 0.01
C: 8.42

E: 0
B: 0.09
C: 8.44

E: 9.31
B: 8.45
C: 8.63

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Re: Keeley 4-knob Compressor Help

Here's the board. I've scored the tracks underneath, so there are for sure no bridges.

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Re: Keeley 4-knob Compressor Help

In reply to this post by hahafender
anyone have any idea what the problem could be? :/