Khan Pak 18w tube amp ther size of a car stereo

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Re: Khan Pak 18w tube amp ther size of a car stereo

Just look at a quilter. No tube hassles...
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Re: Khan Pak 18w tube amp ther size of a car stereo

Tubes are a gift from God, bite your tongue!

The Quilter amps are great though. I found out about them from Deerhoof, not much else to say, they sound cool
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Re: Khan Pak 18w tube amp ther size of a car stereo

I agree they are:) but in a compact form they are, well compact.
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Re: Khan Pak 18w tube amp ther size of a car stereo

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In reply to this post by Muadzin
That's the beauty first it's only 18watts . Second it has a switch to make it 9watts . At 9watts dimed it's like my 50 watt on 1-1.5 . It sounds great on al settings,imo I had to give it back today . It Hurts . I fell in love with this little amp. i HAVE TO START SELLING A BUNCH OF PEDALS FOR THE PAK FUND.