Klon Bare Bones at 18v?

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Klon Bare Bones at 18v?

Is it possible to run the Klon Centaur Bare Bones, still buffered but without the charge-pump at 18 volts?

Other than maybe upping the Electrolytics to 63v are there any changes necessary to do this? There's a spare 18v output on my power supply and I'm just curious how it might sound ....... should it be possible.

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Re: Klon Bare Bones at 18v?

You could, but not with the TLC2262, so you'd have to maybe use two TL072's (or other ICs which can accept 18V).  Oh and remove the 9V zener.

Not sure how it would end up, and you may find that you get too much opamp clipping, but it's a two minute job to try it even if you end up back at 9V.
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Re: Klon Bare Bones at 18v?

 ........ socket and see.

I suppose, as you say ....... its an easy job to revert to 9 volts if it doesn't work.
