Klon Bass control knob

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Klon Bass control knob

Was looking at the schematic, trying to add a bass control to the Klon layout. If I lower value of C7, and parallel it with a higher value cap, through a 50k pot, will this work?

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Re: Klon Bass control knob

I asked this question over on madbean forum, since this is based on the sunking. Brian replyed with the following. Can anyone please verify that I have the mod correct in the layout, based on his reply?

From Brian:
"Take a look at the Sunking II schem. It shows to ways to increase the bass on the circuit. If you wanted to do it with a pot, I would put it where I did the "Fat" mod. Use a 50k pot to blend the large cap in parallel with the small cap. You could use different values to for more extreme results. Say 47n to 220n."
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Re: Klon Bass control knob

Yes, looks right to me
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Re: Klon Bass control knob

Just noticed you said Bass 1 to ground, that isn't a connection.  It's just being used as a variable resistor so lug 1 won't be used.
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Re: Klon Bass control knob

Ok. Thank you very much!