Klon silver switch wiring...

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Klon silver switch wiring...

      I am having a real bugger trying to figure out how to wire the stomp switch on this. Can someone help? Thnx.  This is the first time I've ever wired buffered bypass....
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Re: Klon silver switch wiring...

If you look at the layout, the switch numbering on the sides of the board (Sw1 etc.) go to the corresponding lugs on the switch diagram shown at the bottom centre of the layout.

So, from top left, working down:

White wire labelled Sw4 goes to switch lug 4
Grey wire labelled volume 2 & Sw6 goes to volume pot lug 2 and switch lug 6.
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Re: Klon silver switch wiring...

In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
Ya ive got the board done and works. Just putting it into the box. All I've ever wired was 3dpt. Does the input from jack go directly to the input onboard.  Then the output on jack go directly to the one on the switch? Thnx for your help....
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Re: Klon silver switch wiring...

Yes, you've got it. Input jack tip (green) wire goes to the input row (second from top on left), and the output (blue) wire (second from bottom on left), goes to switch lug 5, then to output jack tip.
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Re: Klon silver switch wiring...

Awesome thnx beaker!