Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

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Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

       Winter is up on us:) Anywayz, I don't have a six pin on off stomp and was wondering how to wire a 3pdt on my klon silver. My thinking, which is mostly F"ed up, was thinking the if I left the first row of three pins out from top to bottom then I could use it the same way? Am I thinking correctly? Thanks so much everyone...
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Re: Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

Silver Blues
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Re: Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

I use 3pdts for all the klons I've built.  I just leave out the middle set.  Pins 4-6.  Just a preference.
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Re: Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

Ok, thnx kirshman. So, then I'm assuming it would be the standard 1-6 wire numbers on layout, just leaving the middle 4-6 out?
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Re: Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

Silver Blues
Oh, I'm sorry man, I totally misunderstood your question. Yes kirshman has the right idea. I read that as you were missing a 3PDT and how you'd wire a DPDT instead.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

No, worries. Thnx for the reply!
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Re: Klon stomp wiring on a 3pdt?

In reply to this post by Ravenswerld
Yep.  I just do them like this