Klon with Bass control voltages

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Klon with Bass control voltages

I'm having a tough time with Klones lately...
Solved my troubled one with the low gain, now having trouble with this build of the version with added bass control.
I have low output. I checked voltages, and all are good except for pin 1 of IC2 is reading -3.85, and pin 5 of IC3 is reading -3.88. Both should be closer to -8.8 to -9.0, I believe. Any advice is welcome. I've gone over it for solder bridges and such, but I never know what to expect.
Thanks, all!
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Re: Klon with Bass control voltages

Ofcourse right after I post, I find that I put the 1uF cap just left of IC3 one row too low. That corrects my voltages, but I still have low output, even in bypass.
I am cursed or something lately!
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Re: Klon with Bass control voltages

Been going through the layout with an audio probe. My lack of full comprehension of the schematic coupled with my lack of knowledge of what do with my findings is only making me more frustrated. With the pedal in buffered bypass, at various points of the layout I can find full volume and low volume. On IC1, pins 3 and 4 are full volume, while pins 5 and 6 are low. Pin 7 is full volume, with full gain. Lugs on the volume pot are all low. All connections at the footswitch are low volume.
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Re: Klon with Bass control voltages

You need to follow the signal path from input to output to see where the problem is starting which in turn tells you exactly where the problem begins.  Turn the gain up to max and follow the signal path like this, trying both sides of each component and see what you can find out.

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Re: Klon with Bass control voltages

Actually took adifferent approach. Since I had the same problem in bypass as when activated, I followed the bypass path and discovered I had installed 560K resistors instead of 560R. Dumb mistake on my part. This build has challenged me at every turn. Eneryone has one of those builds that just doesnt go right, this one was mine. Finally got it running. Thanks for all your help. It is very appreciated!!!