Krank Distortius Maximus Layout MOD Bodyrot

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Krank Distortius Maximus Layout MOD Bodyrot

Hello guys, I think I have a problem with the layout of krank distortius maximus.

I do not have a lot of gain as I hear sounds in the demo.

I tried another 2N5088, and 3 different opamp.

There are no bridges, resistors I measured them all and they are ok.
I tested the opamp and work on another pedal.

I only made some changes to make it as a BodyrotII taking into reference values from the layout of Mirosol.
My PP800 definitely has more gain.

Do you have any demo recorded where the effect live without other interactions?
only pedal and guitar direct into the sound card.

Maybe it's just my impression, but I expected much more.
I hope you can help me.