L-Pads and Cooling

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L-Pads and Cooling

Today I realized that a Vox AC10 sucks most times in an apartment setting. While it does sound excellent at low volume, the volume control is very hard to dial in when I need to turn it down, so I wired in an L-Pad between the amp and speaker, inside the cab and used the extension cab opening to put it in place (probably could widen the hole a bit so it sits more flush but ehh).  It works great when I need to be quiet and I still have the same tone.

Now I've also used an L-Pad for my OR15 and PPC112 but it was outside the amp getting adequate ventilation and had no problem. It only got warm with the attenuation high and with the amp volume was high on the 15 watt setting. I used it with higher attenuation and the volume around 9:00 for a little more volume control and it stayed completely cool. I use a volume pot in the amps loop now. I think it sounds better like this.

Now the Vox has little, if any ventilation. I played low volume and high attenuation for 20 minutes, I checked the L-Pad and it was cool so I'm really not too worried... but would it be a good idea to stick a little fan in there to keep the air moving?

It is a 50 watt 16 ohm L-Pad with a 4.7uF cap soldered between lugs 2 and 3 like the Bitmo 10-Uator uses to help out with tone loss. It works very well.