LEVEL on demeter tremulator

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LEVEL on demeter tremulator

Hey everybody!
I'm building a demeter tremulator clone, and I would like to add a LEVEL control of the tremolo, but i don 't understand where to add it, how can i do that?

Thanks for your help!

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Re: LEVEL on demeter tremulator

I'm pretty sure you can do what's done on most effects, and make it an attenuator. Connect the output from the board to lug 3 of a 100k pot, connect lug 1 of the volume pot to ground, and lug 2 becomes your new output.

 Like this, but lug 3 is the layout output:

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Re: LEVEL on demeter tremulator

Thank you @rocket88 ! and if i want put a tremulator and a fuzz in the same box, with 2 switch, can I put a level control for each switch in this way?

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Re: LEVEL on demeter tremulator

The output from the first effect would become the input of the second. Look at the off board wiring section if the site, there's a diagram showing how to wire 2 effects in one box, as well as adding a switchable boost. Here's the one for 2 effects:
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Re: LEVEL on demeter tremulator

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