LM386 IC - The Good, The Ugly

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LM386 IC - The Good, The Ugly

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Well, i just finished the SONIC TITAN. In one hand it´s sounds HUGE, incredible TONE. The bad side is the knowed issue about unatural distortion it has sometimes (some kind of overload - broken speaker or dirty pot, that drops the signal on fade). I changed for the LM386N-4, but that issue still there. So, i noticed it more with hot pickups. I´m in  hope to hear form you what solutions does fixes dos you guys have done... and i am asking if it can be useful:

a) Is there a way to reduce the input signal? A resistor will work there? If yes what value? (In serie, or a pulldown, Input to ground)?

b) Does a input buffer can make it work better? Not my choice as will need a bigger enclosure.

In really i did prefer it on true by pass, but i´ll be glad on read your experience dealing with it.

THe 386 sounds has a great tone by the way.
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Re: LM386 IC - The Good, The Ugly

Hey Boratto!
Before you try other solutions I suggest you first gp for the 386bd, which often helps with the "farty" distortion. It helped my Sucker Punch build.
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Re: LM386 IC - The Good, The Ugly

Thank you Bart. Now i am waiting for a pair of JRC.