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LX126A Transistors

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LX126A Transistors

432 posts
I was at my local shop and the owner gave me a pair of these to try out. I can't find any info on them. I was told they are PNP germaniums. Does anyone know where I could find some info, mainly the pinout? Those are the only markings on them, so that's all I have unfortunately. Any info or a nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated.
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Re: LX126A Transistors

3037 posts
What I could find out in a quick search is that the NTE126 is an equivalent, which is a PNP Ge transistor.
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Re: LX126A Transistors

432 posts
Thanks for the reply. That's all I could find too. No matter how I had the pins rotated I couldn't get any readings on my GE transistor tester (the one from the main site). I also saw that 2N126 were NPN. If I tested them as NPN to see if the shop owner may have been wrong, could I potentially damage the transistor?