Laney aor amp

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Laney aor amp

I didn't know if anybody would be interested in this but I bread boarded the laney aor 50 schematic just the preamp and tone stack. I used j201 with 100k trimmers to bias the jfets. I have to say this preamp sounded awesome. I used the exact same resistors and capacitors values in the schematic. I didn't have any problems biasing the transistors it worked perfect. I ran it on 9volts and used the treble out to one of my mixer channels then into my stereo power amp and then into 2 4x12 cabs. Sounded great. So I can verify the schematic is good. I don't know if anyone would be interested in laying this out on a vero board.
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Re: Laney aor amp

Sounds interesting.  If you have any links to sound clips of the preamp, that would be great.  I would suggest posting this to "Requests" along with the schematic of the preamp.  Someone there will likely help you with a vero layout.
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Re: Laney aor amp

Frank I might try to build in on a tagboard. I have built a few others on tag strips. I got a empty chassis I stripped out that I found at second hand store. It was some kind of internet rack rouder or something. Perfect for a preamp. I will have to make a faceplate for it the one that was on it has about 24 square holes  in it for internet jacks.                                                                           Jack