Lastgasp Art Laboratories Transroom

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Lastgasp Art Laboratories Transroom

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
Hi there guys...does anyone have ANY idea on what this one is bassed on? I think this is a great reverb....and i would love to build one.
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Re: Lastgasp Art Laboratories Transroom

Ciaran Haslett
Their product info mentions its a BBD DOD FX45???  Then any of the modulation schematics floating about maybe.

The verb is heavily filtered judging by a demo on youtube and when the Mod depth pot is fully CCW I don't hear any modulation so it's definitely not PT2399 anyway.

Of course this could all be snake oil and it's really a FV-1 with an analogue modulation circuit.  After all, it does say "Analog Modulation Reverb".  Maybe the Analog refers only to the modulation haha
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Re: Lastgasp Art Laboratories Transroom

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
that's great Ciaran!
thanks a lot!! that's a great place to start..
i've so many projects in my "to do" list those last weeks that i feel like they'll never end...

hey Ciaran!
now that i've found you(haha!!!). i remember that you've send me the image for the 3080 to 13700 conversion for the rust bucket . i was wondering if you could help here too

thanks anyway
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Re: Lastgasp Art Laboratories Transroom

Ciaran Haslett
Yeah no problem Savvas. Let me get the kids fed and watered and I'll have a look