Layout Drawing Software

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Layout Drawing Software


A new member here and have a question on what software tools are being used to draw the vector board layouts?  The layouts I am asking about are the ones which show the vector board, cut locations, and parts.  I have read through many of the postings but find not mention of what is used.

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Re: Layout Drawing Software

Taken from the Layout guide tab thread

John Kallas1 June 2013 at 07:07
Edson Gonçalves Varga2 June 2013 at 05:44

John, thanks for the link, but when I download the file, I can't found any .EXE file, only .class Java files or .jpg, how can I run this program?

Thanks in advance,

Edson - Brazil.
IvIark2 June 2013 at 14:13

You need to install the Java Runtime Environment first, then you start it with the DIYLC.jar file.
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Re: Layout Drawing Software

