Layout for pt2399 delay with effects loop?

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Layout for pt2399 delay with effects loop?

Apologies if this is already available somewhere online but i havent been able to find one.

Have any of the more experienced builders successfully added an effects loop to any of the pt2399 layouts on this site? I've seen a few threads mentioning it and vaguely explaining the concept of adding buffers for the send and return signal but no layouts.

Now that i think of it same goes for adding delay tails in bypass.

Is anyone up for potentially modifying a schematic/existing layout?

Thanks for all your hard work everyone, ive been obsessively making my way through a ton of this sites layouts :D
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Re: Layout for pt2399 delay with effects loop?

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
sagan delay has send return, and tails switch. you could take a look at the schem and you might come up with something.
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Re: Layout for pt2399 delay with effects loop?

Cool, just had a look. Whoa huuuuuuge. U build one of these?

Ill have a play on breadboard and see if i can suss somethin.

Has anyone else had any luck adding an effects loop to any of the existing layouts on this site?

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Re: Layout for pt2399 delay with effects loop?

I am working on something and will post if I get it to work. It will be a buffered loop in the feedback path of the delay, so repeats get more and more affected by the pedal in the loop.

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Re: Layout for pt2399 delay with effects loop?

Thatd be perfect kt!

Which delay circuit are you working on?
