Lehle - Sunday Driver SW

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Lehle - Sunday Driver SW

Here are some gut shots of a Lehle Sunday Driver SW (it says "Sunday Driver L v1.0" on the PCB).


The version without an on/off switch is already traced and there is a verolayout on the main page.
( https://tagboardeffects.blogspot.nl/2017/05/lehle-sunday-driver.html )

Comment from Joki / Lehle:
"Hey there,

to avoid confusion: the schematic you posted is from the SUNDAY DRIVER (neither doesn’t have a TS/TB button nor an on/off footswitch), while the product description is of the SUNDAY DRIVER SW.

Joki / Lehle"


So this one has the TS (True Sound) and TB (True Bypass) switching.
I'm wondering how different the schematic is compared with the switchless version.