Les Lius Boost Side DPDT Wiring

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Les Lius Boost Side DPDT Wiring

I want to hook up the boost side of my Les Lius build with an LED. Would this be the appropriate wiring to do so?

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Re: Les Lius Boost Side DPDT Wiring

Nope. That won't do anything because the two circuits (two poles) are electrically separate and all you are doing here is shorting two led pins.

I was under the impression that sw1 was the boost switch (never built a LL so IDK for sure) but the principle applies to any switch you wish to attach a led to.
One pole for the switch circuit, one pole for the led circuit.
See here and again, I apologize for my MSPaint skillz:

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Re: Les Lius Boost Side DPDT Wiring

Thanks Goran!

Your drawing is actually what I meant, but obviously not what I drew. Thanks for the correction. I'm still getting used to drawing out these concepts.

Also, I think you are correct that SW1 is actually the boost switch.