Line 6 DL4 - Need parts

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Line 6 DL4 - Need parts

Hey I'm working on a Line 6 DL4 and I need new faceplates, you know the aluminium plate where the knobs are that indicate what each knob does. Also the plate on the back.

When I took them off, they easily bent. Unless someone can show me how to straighten them back to look like new?
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Re: Line 6 DL4 - Need parts

I'm no help to you now, but I've worked on a few DL-4s and repainted a few.  If you heat that panel up it will melt that glue and they can be easily removed with a butter knife.  I've dented a few myself and had to hammer them straight again between two pieces of soft wood.

I would think the only way you'd find one of those panels is to get one directly through Line-6 unless you find a salvaged one.   Sorry I'm not much help.