List of Tube Screamer-Type Circuits

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List of Tube Screamer-Type Circuits

In the HBE Power Screamer post, Mirosol remarked that we had a lot of tube screamer-type layouts at this site, so I decide to see how many I could name.  I omitted circuits that had two or more ICs, ran on 18v, or had topologies which were more like a Rat, Govnor, OCD, or Distortion +.  Still, it's hard to say how many circuits are just minor modifications of (or were at least inspired by) the venerable tube screamer.  With that caveat, here's my list:

• Arion MTE1 Tubulator
• BBE Green Screamer
• BJF Little Green Wonder
• Boss SD-1 Super Distortion
• Clay Jones Overdrive
• CMAT Mods Signa Drive
• Digitech Bad Monkey
• Hao Rumble Mod
• HBE Power Screamer
• Ibanez MSL Metal Screamer
• Ibanez TS-10 Tube Screamer
• Ibanez TS-5 Tube Screamer
• Ibanez TS-7 Tube Screamer
• Ibanez TS808
• Ibanez TS808 with Bass Control
• Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer
• Ibanez TS-9 Without Output Buffer
• Ibanez TS9DX Turbo Screamer
• Jack Orman’s Son of Screamer
• Landgraff Dynamic Overdrive
• Lovepedal Enternity, Eternity Burst
• Maxon OD-01 The Driver
• Maxon OD808
• Maxon OD808 Reissue
• Menatone Red Snapper
• Mesa Boogie Grid Slammer
• Providence Sonic Drive SDR-5
• Rock Box Boiling Point
• ROG Tube Reamer
• Secret efx – Secret 1 Standard
• Son of Clay Jones Overdrive
• Vox V8120 Valve-Tone

So, what did I miss?  
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Re: List of Tube Screamer-Type Circuits

Fulltone Fulldrive
Shin's Dumbloid

And there will be more.  There are lots and lots if you were just looking at certain similarities because much of it is standard datasheet stuff and so similarities will be seen in plenty of opamp amplifier circuits.  

The real ones of note are the ones that are so close that they are essentially identical or at least 95% of the way there with maybe the usual couple of value changes to make the builder think he's done something clever.  You mentioned most of the ones that I could think of off the top of my head that come under that banner, like the CJOD, Dynamic Overdrive, Boiling Point, Grid Slammer & Signa Drive
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Re: List of Tube Screamer-Type Circuits

Bad monkey is DOD Juice Box based, more than YATS. It's still one of my favorite production (big company) drive pedals, but I don't use it because of the buffer being on all the time.
 I need to build a looper for it to isolate it from the rest of the pedals when off....

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Re: List of Tube Screamer-Type Circuits

It is indeed.  And you could always build a bufferless one
I like to call it an Eternal Monkey
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Re: List of Tube Screamer-Type Circuits

Yeah, the Bad Monkey shouldn't be on the list as it has two ICs.  I suppose that any IC-based overdrive with diode clipping in the feedback loop can be considered a tube screamer derivative, but we all know that there are many clever variations that have evolved the basic screamer into a plethora of different overdrives and distortion circuits which cover a wide range of musical tastes.  But hey it's good to have choices!