Hey guys,
I've finsished tonight the Little Angel Chorus (Rick Holt Frequencycentral V4) :
The chorus effect is there but with few issues.
- main issue : a hiss (I don't know exactly how to describe the sound made by a faulty speaker, a sort of "Sshhh" only when the note is played)
- second issue (less problematic) : the pots are efficient only when maxed, I'd say between 9 and 10, both are affected
- last issue (even less problematic) : the space/warbler switch only act as a gain, more volume and that's it
I already tried different ICs (a bunch of PT2399 I had, they all work the same) and another NE5532 as well as other dual opamp (TL062, LM1458, LM8333 : they all work but with the same "sshh" sound plus other permanent noises).
Here are pictures of my board :
It sounds like a filtering issue (?), so I thought about caps. But that's all I can do : thinking about it :)
For the pots issue I thought I could add a resistor in parallel between the pots legs : what do you think ?
For the space/warbler switch I have no idea at all...
Thanks for your help