Looking for a complete delay pedal

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Looking for a complete delay pedal

Hello all, and yes, this is the kind of I-want-it-all topic : I'm looking for the design of a delay pedal with extra functions :
Basic time/feedback/dry-wet + footswitch, ok
Now, I'd like on top of that :
another footswitch for immediate and temporary detune effect (as heard on 1776 Multiplex for instance).
a tempo sub-division (type ghost, maybe with quarter and tripplet choice), or else another delay line.
a modulation circuit with classic rate and depth
and last, best would be a choice for repeats filtering, either with modes/templates, either with one or two dedicated knobs (bass/treble) as per on the RE-201.
I know I'm asking a lot... But when I see the wide scope of DIY pedales, I'm a bit lost. I've noticed the 1776 multiplex echo machine, the MadBean ZeorPoint SuperDeluxe, (difference between version 1 and 2 ?), Chris Carter's Sagan ... Could anyone help me choose what design would suilt my request the most ?

Thanks in advance for your help !

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Re: Looking for a complete delay pedal

If you're comfortable with a soldering iron and circuit theory and such, the Sagan delay is a pretty complex DIY project, you'd have to add tap-tempo capability, and I forget if it had on-board modulation but adding an effects loop or a modulation circuit add-on shouldn't be too complex. I'm pretty sure I've seen tap-tempo add-ons with subdivision capability. Personally, I love effects loops in my delays. You can do such much with an effects loop, and depending on where you place it in the circuit it can cover your modulation, filtering, EQ needs.

If you're not looking for a DIY project (it sounds like you are, if so excuse this note), pedals like the Empress SuperDelay, Strymon Timeline, etc. can provide pretty much everything you're looking for, but at a hefty price tag... I'm sure you're aware of these powerhouse delays.

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Re: Looking for a complete delay pedal

I'd say just go for a good commercial delay. Personally I find DIY delays fun to build but fairly useless one trick ponies. Even a cheap ass TC Electronic Flashback delay blows 99% of all DIY delays out of the water. It can do the one thing the DIY delays do, and so much more!. I've never used any DIY delay on my pedal boards, except for the original BYOC digital delay. And that was only with the delays almost completely turned off because I only liked how it colored my sound.
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Re: Looking for a complete delay pedal

Thanks guys for your replies. I'm a bit afraid of the Sagan I must say, for the geeky presentation of the project, compared to the really step by step guides of the competitors, as I'm used to read.
@Muadzin : you are scaring me a bit, I watched a few youtube videos, and it never scared me that much. Could anybody else confirm commercial pedals are better, at least for the features I'm looking for. Or on the contrary, do you Muadzin know the pedals I'm talking about ?
I'll be glad to get some more feedbacks before choosing my pedal.
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Re: Looking for a complete delay pedal

That's a hefty list of "must-have" features. You might struggle to find anything that can even be modified to accomodate all that.

I'm not a delay ninja though, so hopefully someone else can suggest something.

I'm kind of in the same camp as Muadzin though here. I really think that the more features you add to a delay, the less well it works overall.

I have built a couple of delays and got rid of them pretty quick, preferring my old secondhand Danelectro.