Lot of hiss on BMP tonestack w/ Les Lius

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Lot of hiss on BMP tonestack w/ Les Lius

Howdy everybody, i'm posting here for my first time, for my first build, which is a Les Lius w/ a BMP Tonestack.

I'm using this rather easy, schematic  which working as I can hear a tone change when i'm turning up and down the pot, but I have a problem with the hiss caused by the tonestack which is increasing as i'm turning up the tone put. I'm already sure that the noise don't come from the les lius as I tried the pedal without the Tonestack which sound ok.

I can't put my finger on it, could it be a transistor problem as I did not used socket for my transistor (2N5088) ?

Thanks for reading me, and sorry for my terrible grammar. :)