Lovepedal String Ringer

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Lovepedal String Ringer

It's a classic if yer into that kind of thing.

I'm a bit intimidated by trying this on my own given my level of experience, but would definitely like to be part of a team effort at getting a verified stripboard layout together. I don't *think* it should be difficult to get working, given my limited understanding of the circuit.

Here's a schematic, BoM and PCB:

It's quite big -- probably breaking the rules for requests (12 op amps! A transformer!) but it could be a very nice project.

Elta has a commercial version of this selling for £300-ish -- here's a demo of that:

Anyone up for it?
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Re: Lovepedal String Ringer

There are certain projects where stripboard just doesn’t make sense IMO. Fortunately our resident PCB wiz Phil has us covered
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Re: Lovepedal String Ringer

Thanks Travis

And to echo your comments I doubt you will be able to do this on vero, I spent a very long time trying to route the PCB and it was by far the hardest thing I've done, if you did manage to lay this out the off board wiring would make the PLL look like a one knob fuzz
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Re: Lovepedal String Ringer

Fantastic, cheers for the PCB link. I'll order one, and it looks like I'll pick up a few others from here too. I've had the FSH-1 on my list for a while and been too scared to start, but the PCB looks quite approachable.

And yeah, I can see the offboard wiring would indeed be a bear to get right. That's my least favourite part of any build, too.

Thanks chaps.