Lovetone Big Cheese

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Lovetone Big Cheese

Hey guys! Hope you're having a nice day so far. It's pretty hot out here in Newport Beach but I've got a cool breeze

Anywho, I've been real curious about lovetone circuits lately. Seeing as the Big Cheese is totally rad sounding (listen to pavement!!!) and probably the only lovetone that makes any sense to build on vero, it would be a great addition to the library here

Schem here:
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

Take a look to:;cid=1410461673457-608#a5747

Here you'll find my build and a link to FSB topic and vero.

Don't know if thigs have changed, but Miro refused time ago to do this layout as he said it would be too big and complicated with the rotary to fit in a 1590B.

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

Thanks so much dude! Your build looks great

I think I'll take a look at the schems to see what I have to change to make that a stock Big Cheese before I try the Chunky Cheese

Like you said this one isn't too big. Should fit in a 125b no problem and that's only because of the size of the rotary
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

You're welcome :)

If I'm not wrong the mod of the Chonky is in the later stage, just to get a little more output, but I'm not 100% sure!

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

From a quick look at the parts lists I can see that C15, C16, R19, and R20 are in the Chunky Cheese but not on the Big Cheese schem.

I'm looking into it more as soon as I find a Chunky Cheese schem to compare. It's confusing looking at the layout!

The demos of the chunky cheese do sound just like demos of the big cheese but I need to hear it in person
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

Javi is correct.
Those extra components were added just to increase the output volume.
You can see it here:
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

You guys are great. Thanks albru! That couldn't have been more helpful

Looks like I've got all the info I need thanks again guys :D
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

I've added a layout in Contributions.
I've managed to reduce the size by using a TL072 instead of two TL071.
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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

This is an old post, but i saw the pedal mentioned in an online article on pedals that should be brought back. I found a vero for it through a search:

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Re: Lovetone Big Cheese

Hey - I just saw this (sorry Alex, I didn;t know you did this...)