Lovetone Meatball

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Re: Lovetone Meatball

also make sure that you have adjusted the trimmers properly.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

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Wow excelent pedal!!, thanks for the layout and mods, but this is a true challenging proyect. Maybe in the future try to make it.

Can you share us your mutron III layout with the bass mods? I did the original neutron buffered model (uses Haralds Sabro Layout) but i dont like the sound used on a bass guitar.

thanks is advance.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

In reply to this post by Dave
Dave - I know this thread is now years old, but I'm wondering if you ever got this working? I finished this project last night only to have the same results you first mentioned. It was a lot of work to just toss aside. Has anyone else had success using this layout? I did substitute a few things: ldr/led instead of vactrols, 2M resistors in place of the 1M8, and a 324 instead of a TL074. Didn't include the send/return, but tried connecting with a jumper with no changes.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

SonusFluxa wrote
 Has anyone else had success using this layout? I did substitute a few things: ldr/led instead of vactrols, 2M resistors in place of the 1M8, and a 324 instead of a TL074. Didn't include the send/return, but tried connecting with a jumper with no changes.
well, mine works perfectly using the posted layout so you must have an error somewhere. or you might try the correct vactrols and chip.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

If i omit the send and return do i need to make any adjustments to the layout??  Cheers
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

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No (just connect the send and return points), but the send and return are probably the most important feature of this pedal. If you're going to omit them you should just build the Mutron III in my opinion
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Travis wrote
No (just connect the send and return points), but the send and return are probably the most important feature of this pedal. If you're going to omit them you should just build the Mutron III in my opinion

I drilled my enclosure for this last night before realising that there was a send / return (the original gut shot doesn't have them either), I aint sure that I have room to fit them.  

I guess I shoulda had a better look at the layout before getting the drill out.

Question is do I scrap the enclosure and drill a new one or sack off the send / return????

Luckily I'm still waiting on a few caps so the board aint finished, otherwise I'd have started wiring the bugger up.

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Re: Lovetone Meatball

For me the send and return are essential and I use them every time I use the meatball. I wouldn't want you to waste the enclosure but I recommend the loop. If you have enough space the exp jack is worthwhile, but the loop is really where it's at for me
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

managed to squeeze them in, not the prettiest job but they are in.  off-board wiring nightmare is go
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Excellent! Just remember to use switched jacks so that the send and return tips are connected when no cables are inserted
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Regarding the FX loop: It is excellent, especially for sub-octavers and fuzzes, but you're forced to commit to only using them with the Meatball. I rewired my meatball clone so it is no longer true bypass but the pedals in the loop can be used when the Meatball is bypassed: Very handy mod.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

My favorite pedal to put in the effects loop is a modded boss OC-2  It is an amazing combo that would not be possible without the loop

That is a really great mod idea! I'd love to try that
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Travis wrote
That is a really great mod idea! I'd love to try that
You just need to wire the input jack direct to the meatball input on the board (this means the guitar is always buffered and sent through the send/return loop pedals) then rewire the usual bypass 3PDT so the input pole (lefthand side) switches the return jack signal either direct to the output, or connects it to the input of the filter section (marked as the return tip connection on the layout); The output pole selects either the direct (buffer -> FX pedals) output or the blended, filtered output.

If you have switched send and return jacks wired up properly, you just get buffered bypass if there are no pedals in the loop.

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Re: Lovetone Meatball

What a fantastic idea! You are the man nocentelli, thanks for the more detailed explanation. I love the simplicity and utility of that mod. I think ideally I'd add a "master" true bypass footswitch, because I also find it useful to switch the meatball and the pedals in the loop simultaneously

I am also curious about adding a CV input to my meatball since Alex posted that sample hold board. I have never played around with CV before. Would I basically patch in the CV to the LED in the optocoupler?
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

Travis wrote
I am also curious about adding a CV input to my meatball since Alex posted that sample hold board. I have never played around with CV before. Would I basically patch in the CV to the LED in the optocoupler?
Not sure if it would be able to drive two LEDs - Maybe try it out on the breadboard first.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball


I'm nearly there with this but i have a few questions regarding the layout.

1.  it reads 41 cuts but i only count 40.  which is right?
2.  Sweep switch B > intensity what???  I figure intensity 3??
3.  On the left of the layout below the ground to the Vero there is a connection to Sweep SW7 but in the list at the bottom Sweep SW7 is unused, any ideas what is correct??
4. Mode SW A1 is labelled as HP and LP, which is correct, i assume it's HP.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Lovetone Meatball

In reply to this post by SonusFluxa
SonusFluxa wrote
Dave - I know this thread is now years old, but I'm wondering if you ever got this working? I finished this project last night only to have the same results you first mentioned. It was a lot of work to just toss aside. Has anyone else had success using this layout? I did substitute a few things: ldr/led instead of vactrols, 2M resistors in place of the 1M8, and a 324 instead of a TL074. Didn't include the send/return, but tried connecting with a jumper with no changes.

Hey Sonus

Did you manage to get this working???   I finally finished the wiring last night and I get nothing.  The trigger light comes on when I adjust one of the trimmers but so far no output.

I gotta figure a way of getting an audio probe to work with everything already boxed before I can debug.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

In reply to this post by Dave
Dave wrote
Hi John,
Did you verify your layout? Only I've built one and aren't getting any output at all. The sweep LED lights up in one position, and several of the pots seem to turn down the brightness, but I'm not getting any sound out at all. I'll continue to troubleshoot as its probably my fault, I'm just desperate to get this working as I put a lot of time into it.

Did you sort this out???  I think I have exactly the same issue.


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Re: Lovetone Meatball

In reply to this post by PMowdes
I got it filtering but not 100% the sounds that I think it should achieve, so I put it on the back burner to work on when I have the time.

I did notice though that the input is grounded on this layout. This is an adaptation of Sabro's layout, and if you look at them side by side, you'll notice this one is missing the cut under D1. That should at least get you passing a signal.

I also ended up removing the moog switch and bridging the cut under the TL074, as well as using switches in place of some of the rotaries a la Sabro. Again, it's not 100% ( I think some of my wiring is still fucked up), but I at least have sound passing. Let me know if any of this works, or you notice anything else! This would definitely be a sweet one to have completed.
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Re: Lovetone Meatball

SonusFluxa wrote
I got it filtering but not 100% the sounds that I think it should achieve, so I put it on the back burner to work on when I have the time.

I did notice though that the input is grounded on this layout. This is an adaptation of Sabro's layout, and if you look at them side by side, you'll notice this one is missing the cut under D1. That should at least get you passing a signal.

I also ended up removing the moog switch and bridging the cut under the TL074, as well as using switches in place of some of the rotaries a la Sabro. Again, it's not 100% ( I think some of my wiring is still fucked up), but I at least have sound passing. Let me know if any of this works, or you notice anything else! This would definitely be a sweet one to have completed.


at least it'll give me a place to start.  I was wondering why the layout said 41 cuts but I could only count 40, I must have counted them a hundred times!!!!