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Lowering a Concentric 250K Linear pot to 10K

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Lowering a Concentric 250K Linear pot to 10K

Peter Venkman
59 posts
Im using som concetric pots in a build and the only ones I could find that were physically small enough to fit my project were 250K. My circuit calls for 10K pots. Ive been trying multiple different values of resistor across legs 1 and 3 and cant seem to drop the pot down past 150K, and that with a 4meg resistor. Can I not lower these things any farther than half their value?
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Re: Lowering a Concentric 250K Linear pot to 10K

13 posts
Depending on your accuracy needs, a random 10k in parallel is good. Just a little over 10k (10.41666k) should get you at 10k parallel restance with a 250k pot, do the math or use a calculator online such as this one: http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-paralresist.htm